Having been a die hard Smalltalker since 1994 I have finally found a new language and community that I am investing myself in. All the Ruby, Python, various JVM languages, C# and Mono etc - none has managed to capture my interest. Ruby and Python always felt like pale shadows of Smalltalk and I really don’t want to be tied to the Java eco system, no matter what. And so on and on, lots of languages looking interesting but not being able to withstand my deeper look. As a Smalltalker I probably have acquired a particular taste.
Since a few months I am however deeply into Nim. I have written a slew of articles about Nim, and at our company we have decided to bet hard on it. So far I have written a little utility called blimp in Nim, and I have helped creating Urhonimo - the Nim wrapper of the Urho3D game engine.
With a deeper understanding of Nim, although I am far from good at it, what is it that makes me recommend you to try it?