Roads Less Taken

A blend of programming, boats and life.

ESUG in Annecy Day 3

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Day three blurred a bit for me - lots of mingling and hacking intermixed with some nice presentations, but I missed quite a lot, I admit, like the presentation on new native UI stuff in VisualWorks and the tODE stuff from Dale Henrichs.

I sat around messing with various things (mostly scratching my head on VM building issues) next to Nicolas who was fiddling with the Amber compiler adding some support mechanisms in the generated code for his debugger to play nice - this is probably something we will see tomorrow in his presentation on Amber.

3DICC and Terf

I did also get a chance, just when the day ended, to do a quick presentation of 3DICC and Terf on a 10 minute slot. I swirled through about 18 slides but I think the pictures looked interesting, and I did a really quick run around inside Terf.

Unfortunately (argh!) the connection went down (probably the silly unpredictable timeout that has been hitting people the whole week) but I think it showed enough for people to find it interesting. A few people mistakenly thought the customer case presentations were examples of possible use cases - and not actual true customer cases - but I did stress these were quick presentations and screenshots from real deployments.

Social event

My presentation lead to several interesting discussions later on the social event during the evening. And yes, the social event was neat, right by the lake (no rain) with good food and wine - and live music, nice!

Nicolas Petton won silver in the Smalltalk Innovation Technology Awards for Amber (Guillermo Pollito took the gold with Oz and Yannick Laval took the bronze with Phratch), but I must admit I think Nicolas deserved gold, but I am partial to the project of course! :)

Congratulations to all three!

I had several fun and interesting discussions with people like Igor Stasenko, Martin McClure, Dan Ware, Benjamin Van Ryseghem, Dale Henrichs, Norbert Hartl and many, many more.
